Oof Arted, on 2012-April-05, 12:28, said:
Rather harsh Ed so a player who out of the kindess of his or HER heart or felt duty to his Club should Penalise himself for TD ing
How do you suggest little clubs manage without Volunteers
How do you suggest little clubs manage without Volunteers

mycroft, on 2012-April-05, 12:40, said:
I have never lost a board because of directing; I have however had to cancel a board because I couldn't play it with any confidence of lack of bias after a ruling (actually with that board, multiple rulings on the same hand at different tables that meant that I saw two hands, both dummy).
I'm with Mycroft here. I've been a voluntary playing director. The only boards where this came up were where I'd seen one of the hands. I gave my pair A-. I've never had a problem with that from anyone. I have had comments from people along the lines that if I'd given myself A+ (we have a director here, widely considered incompetent, who does this regularly) there would have been a problem.