kenberg, on 2011-March-01, 11:43, said:
Heart to the Jack and your king, you return a heart, lho wins the ace and plays a small spade. Up or down?
That is the sort of question that is a lot easier to answer when you are at the table
Surely the entire world knows that you do not have the king so this play is not hard for lho regardless of how many hearts are cashing.
Maybe, but you lose nothing by trying it and you also get to see two more hearts before making your decision. Many RHOs will not even think about giving false count at trick 2 and, if the heart you return is the 10, that might result in some additional problems for the defense.
I say "maybe" because if your LHO has the King of spades it may not be obvious to him if a spade shift rates to be a good play or a disaster - he may not know what honor cards you hold in the minors.
Fred Gitelman
Bridge Base Inc.