sound raise or mixed raise? competitive bidding
Posted 2010-September-19, 12:44
all red bidding goes
what do you bid with this?
do you show a sound raise (by cuebidding diamonds or bidding 2H as a transfer whichever your method is) or a mixed raise (whichever your method is)?
3S right away is pre emptive so that's out
and how high do you intend to compete if partner passes hereafter?
Posted 2010-September-19, 12:47
Another common gadget is 2NT, showing an invite or better hand with 4 trumps. You could also stretch this elegant hand to 2NT.
Lacking any of those gadgets, I guess I'd cue + go all the way to 3♠, on my own if necessary.
Posted 2010-September-19, 13:42
what i'm interested in is with such a hand, which is the more descriptive bid?
probably not all hands with 4 trumps and 6-9 hcp is worth a direct raise to the 3 level
(unless you are a strict adherent of the Law)
sometimes it may be better to make a sound raise first. and then compete further
a mixed raise may be more appropriate on more offensive hands whereas this hand is a good all-round hand, even on defence
Posted 2010-September-19, 13:59
Posted 2010-September-19, 14:05
raist, on Sep 19 2010, 08:42 PM, said:
sometimes it may be better to make a sound raise first. and then compete further
I'd go along with this. While I am happy to go to 3♠ in competition, at red on this hand I am happy to play in 2 if I can. So for me, a good 3 card raise, 2♥ transfer to spades. (2NT would be an invitational 3 card raise, and 2♠ a preemptive 3 card raise.)
I will certainly bid 3♠ over 3♦.
Posted 2010-September-19, 14:13
Posted 2010-September-19, 14:18
Posted 2010-September-19, 14:45
hanp, on Sep 19 2010, 03:18 PM, said:
That's when I really think you should be allowed to make limit raises lighter. It has a good effect on the opponents when you sound strong, and for many people you can make a cuebid and not go beyond the 2 level anyway.
Posted 2010-September-19, 14:46
Posted 2010-September-19, 15:23
jdonn, on Sep 19 2010, 03:45 PM, said:
hanp, on Sep 19 2010, 03:18 PM, said:
That's when I really think you should be allowed to make limit raises lighter. It has a good effect on the opponents when you sound strong, and for many people you can make a cuebid and not go beyond the 2 level anyway.
And I thought it's a disadvantage rather than an advantage that the 2D limit raise doesn't take up room with this hand.
Posted 2010-September-19, 17:06
Posted 2010-September-19, 17:12
655321, on Sep 19 2010, 06:06 PM, said:
What if you played 2N showed a 4 card limit raise? I think this should be pretty standard since you would XX with a natural 2N bid (if such a thing as a natural 2N bid exists here).
I agree with jdonn that it's too good for a mixed raise, and I agree with 655321 that we would like to show our 4th trump immediately and I agree with cherdano that we'd also like to preempt them a bit. Seems like using 2N which is useless as a natural bid lets us show our values while also preempting/showing our 4th trump at the same time.
Posted 2010-September-19, 17:37
JLOGIC, on Sep 19 2010, 06:12 PM, said:
I could easily be sold on a limit raise instead of mixed raise. I guess it partly depends how strong a preemptive 3♠ can be. If a preemptive raise is less than 6 points then this hand does look too strong for a mixed raise, if a preemptive raise can be up to 6 or 7 when we are vulnerable then I don't mind the mixed raise.
Posted 2010-September-19, 18:05
655321, on Sep 19 2010, 05:37 PM, said:
So close. Switching the major suit honors around would make it a LR instead of a mixed IMO. Or maybe the same hand, but a pass by RHO instead of showing his hearts and a bit of strength would do it.
Posted 2010-September-19, 19:37
In a vacuum it's close to being good enough for a limit raise (though, to be honest, its the tiniest bit short of what I want to have for a limit raise of an opening); but QTxx behind the negative doubler says "defend" to me, so I am going out of my way to avoid over-exciting partner.
Posted 2010-September-20, 00:40
Posted 2010-September-20, 01:32
Posted 2010-September-20, 09:04
hanp, on Sep 20 2010, 12:40 AM, said:
The Bergen people are used to it without competition

Even though I think Bergen raises of opening bids replace too many things, on THIS auction (advancing an overcall after a neg double), it is o.k. And you also have three 3-card raises.
Posted 2010-September-21, 02:49
Note however, that my invite would show 4+♠ (bidding 2NT). 2♦ only shows a 3 card support. If you don't have the possibility to show the difference between 3 or 4 card invite, then I might be more convinced an invite is right.
Posted 2010-September-21, 03:42
hanp, on Sep 20 2010, 01:40 AM, said:
i use all jump shifts as FIT JUMPS
EXCEPT when it is a jump shift to 3M-1, then it is a mixed raise (giving up the fit jump for that particular bid)
i was sold on fit jumps by the people who wrote "partnership bidding at bridge"
although it seldom comes up