Declare or Defend???
Posted 2003-December-11, 15:13
S - 984
H - AQJ85
D - J4
C - 753
S - QJT653 S - K72
H - 4 H - T73
D - A953 D - QT75
C - K9 C - QT4
S - A
H - K962
D - K82
C - AJ862
Contract 4H by South. Would you prefer to declare or defend? In other words, can 4 Hearts always be made, or will perfect defense alway defeat it?
Posted 2003-December-11, 15:27
Posted 2003-December-11, 15:30
I don't believe it's that simple. How do you lose only 1 diamond if you have to play them yourself?
Posted 2003-December-11, 15:36
You can also get clubs going for three tricks, and can ruff a spade in hand, so 10 tricks seem to be there.
Posted 2003-December-11, 15:42
You can also get clubs going for three tricks, and can ruff a spade in hand, so 10 tricks seem to be there.
Yes, but just how are you going to force the opponents to lead diamonds? Also, you may be able to establish the 4th ahd 5th clubs, but after being tapped twice in spades, how do you draw trumps and get back to your good clubs?
Posted 2003-December-11, 15:51
Posted 2003-December-11, 15:52
Ace of Spades 1 trick
1 Spade Ruff 1 trick
5 Trumps in North 5 tricks
3 Clubs 3 tricks
Total 10 tricks
Posted 2003-December-11, 16:10
Posted 2003-December-11, 18:40
Bridge 102 avoidance play. Develop clubs to keep EAST off the lead. Lose 2C, both to WEST. Win 5H, 3C, 1S and 1Spade ruff in south. 10 tricks, very easy way...
Too much egg nog? :-)
Of course if I overlooked somthing silly, I use the same excuse.
Posted 2003-December-12, 05:33
Posted 2003-December-23, 22:06
Bridge 102 avoidance play. Develop clubs to keep EAST off the lead. Lose 2C, both to WEST. Win 5H, 3C, 1S and 1Spade ruff in south. 10 tricks, very easy way...
Too much egg nog? :-)
Of course if I overlooked somthing silly, I use the same excuse.
I am with Ben, at leat he has eggnog
Mike ;D
so much the better. If there is restlessness, I am pleased. Then let there
be ideas, and hard thought, and hard work.”
Posted 2003-December-31, 12:35
West wins and forces hand with another spade or I make easily. So I ruff it in hand, cross to dummy and ruff the last spade, then draw trumps and play my last club. East must win and lead a diamond for me.
If West decided to drop the CK under my ace I simply draw trumps finishing in dummy and lead a club toward the jack.
Can always make 10 tricks.