Sandwich You've got to ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel lucky?
Posted 2019-June-07, 11:30
Edit: no, Ive checked.
London UK
Posted 2019-June-07, 11:31
West looks to have a singleton diamond, so the KQ are not worth A lot in defence. Doubling will tell the opps where all of the cards are. But it still feels like this going off.
Posted 2019-June-07, 11:35
gordontd, on 2019-June-07, 11:30, said:
Tramticket, on 2019-June-07, 11:31, said:
Thank you both. I've updated the OP

Posted 2019-June-07, 11:48

I agree with Tramticket.
Posted 2019-June-07, 23:47
No, I don't double. Why double? I have two defensive tricks and probably a third in hearts. That's it. West obviously has a singleton diamond; he is no double 4315 with strong clubs that will run with my Qx in the slot. At most I'm beating it one, and in IMPs you don't risk giving away a normally unmakeable doubled game for an extra 100 points.
I lead a heart honor to cut down on dummy's ruffing power.
Posted 2019-June-08, 10:31
Posted 2019-June-08, 13:28
I'll wait a couple of days, in case there are any more comments, before posting the full deal.
In the mean time, please can you explain why the problem on the left is so different?
In a recent thread, RR9000 posted this Interesting sandwich bidding problem
My 2d worth:: over 1♥ - 1♠, I Pass
Then, however, commentators recommended a natural 1N overcall.
Posted 2019-June-08, 14:45
In the second case, both suits are well stopped (although hearts is in the wrong place) with 17 high. It still seems like the opponents have not yet found a fit and you may know more what to do after the next bid.
This may also depend upon the strength of the opponents, their system, and your partnership system.
1 NT would have the information across at the 1 level- but is the hand really best with such poor minor suits?/
Posted 2019-June-08, 21:51
Posted 2019-June-08, 22:40
as for the 4H contract , i admit i just cant believe that there is that much not doubling this...i know if its not a spectacular hand it will not be posted as a problem here but i have to answer honestly . opps are playing with a 8 card fit (at best)with 23 HP (at best)and trump are 5-0 ... come on.. well of course if the question is asked its because its a make but i don't even want to think about it .. and after all its just 170 more and 4 imps if made? im pretty sure there is some few scenario that this is not ending with only 1 down ...
bridge is becoming so much more aggressive and so harder , if ur not going to "punish" the aggressive player bidding game with 22 23 HP (i mean with modern bridge im not even 100% sure partner is blank here...) when things looks going wrong for them well they will just surely continue to put pressure on u .
i will lead Ace of H and depending on dummy if it looks problematic i will try to play for 10 of S in partner hand for the one down
Posted 2019-June-08, 22:51
They may make 4♥ but on the balance of probability it's more likely to go down.
Posted 2019-June-09, 02:49
nige1, on 2019-June-08, 13:28, said:
Nigel makes a fair point of course. I don't think that a 1NT overcall is silly - it does have the merit of telling partner that we likely have the best hand at the table and involves him in the decisions.
But the hand is not nearly as strong as it was when you picked it up. The club queen is likely to be worthless - since partner seems to have very little, it isn't helping to build anything in partner's hand (although JXX or 10XXX in partner's hand might provide a stop. Similarly the 5th heart is unlikely to be useful (but a heart lead...).
On balance I choose to pass.
Posted 2019-June-09, 08:09
Posted 2019-June-09, 14:26
I'm doubling 4 ♥. They are unlikely to have a better spot to play in. If they did have an alternative, doubling would be wrong as it would allow them to escape from a bad spot. Also, at IMPs, the amount you might lose is a lot less than at match points if it makes. It doesn't appear 4 ♥x can do better than just make. So, you're risking at most giving them an extra +170, which is 5 IMPs. At MPs, doubling a making game contract is a zero.
I'm leading ♥ A to see dummy. If dummy has ♥ xxx, then I'm continuing with a low ♥. That will possibly enable dummy to ruff a ♦, but keeps a ♥ tenace over declarer. If dummy instead has ♥ Hxx, then I'll continue with ♥ K and a low ♥ ensuring at least 3 ♥ tricks but eliminating any ♦ ruffs.
Posted 2019-June-11, 01:55
This post has been edited by nige1: 2019-June-11, 15:31
Posted 2019-June-11, 11:32
nige1, on 2019-June-08, 13:28, said:
I'll wait a couple of days, in case there are any more comments, before posting the full deal.
In the mean time, please can you explain why the problem on the left is so different?
In a recent thread, RR9000 posted this Interesting sandwich bidding problem
My 2d worth:: over 1♥ - 1♠, I Pass
Then, however, commentators recommended a natural 1N overcall.
I would have thought/hoped that the difference between the two hands was obvious. However, apparently it is not. On the OP hand, we have no club stopper, and the 5th heart is not especially valuable, even if we can establish it, and outside of the hearts, our values are very soft. Hand evaluation is far more than counting high cards.
Posted 2019-June-11, 12:09
nige1, on 2019-June-11, 01:55, said:
Why did you change the hand?
Posted 2019-June-11, 15:31
-- Would you overcall a natural 1N in this sandwich position 1♣ - 1♥?
-- Would you double 4♥?
-- What would you lead against 4♥?