zhasbeen, on 2017-October-30, 09:14, said:
This one, although not a serious error for a single board, is a serious problem with bot bidding over time because it comes up so often (my opinion). It makes my life difficult every time "he" does it, although I'm not caught off guard now like I used to be.
Once again, the robot makes rebidding a moth-eaten 5-card major as his highest priority. Allowing for that possibility I rebid 2NT for my 2nd response. Next, he does "IT", showing his spade suit. I've seen him do this with 6-4, 5-5, 7-4, etc. You never know what to expect. With 5 of a major and 5 in a minor, he rebids the major first before showing the minor.
Stephen, I can't believe you would bid this way!
You are just kind of totally set in your ways for this one, having learned one style and not being able to wrap your head around the fact that there are many more than one way to bid, and that each style has certain pros and cons. I bid this way because I learned it this way from reading Mike Lawrence and nearly every other 2/1 book I've gone through (Hardy, Steve Robinson Washington Std, dozens of others). Only Bergen was using the rebid M shows 6 style really. Top players/writers/coaches like Lawrence and Kokish, many others, wouldn't advocate the rebid major catchall style if it had zero merit. I learned how to bid/play from reading hundreds of bridge books, I evaluate the various styles presented and try to understand the logic behind them, I don't just bid a certain way to be weird. When you read nearly everything and are exposed to enough stuff, you appreciate that there are differences of opinion on a lot of things between top players, and you can see how certain styles will win on some boards and lose on others, and learn to pick your poisons.
Having 2M be the catchall works well because:
- as often one of the lowest bids there is more room to unwind multiple options. (it would probably be even better with completely artificial rebids always using the lowest rebid as the catchall, and swapping around the other responses accordingly, but most people won't tolerate that degree of artificiality but are OK with 2M being a catchall mark time bid).
- it lets higher bids be more specific/have tighter ranges, which leads to greater accuracy when choosing those options, and you want higher bids to be more specific because there is less room below 3nt to clarify which might be a crucial stop/go point. 2nt can actually promise both outside stoppers. High reverses can actually show extra values. Raising a minor can show extra values.
2M being the catchall also is congruent with older non-2/1 GF styles like Eastern Scientific/Aces Scientific from which 2/1 evolved, where you NEED reverses to show extras because really they have to be GF even opposite the invitational range hands included in the 2/1s. It was absolutely routine for 2M to be a mark time waiting bid not promising any great suit. Have you simply never played a style where 2M didn't promise 6? You never played just SA starting out? I have run into many low level players who were incorrectly taught that rebidding a major promised 6 even after a 2/1, in a SA context, which is theoretically unplayable. Against me they promptly massively overbid getting to their 22 point misfit 3nt. Or miss their laydown 33 point slam because they had no idea if partner had 11 or 16.
Reverses do not promise extras playing 2/1.
Again, your opinion, and it can be played both ways, particularly for the low reverse. There are pros and cons.
I do think the bot erred in not simply raising 2nt to 3nt. Bot definitions need to be improved a lot here, 2nt should deny 4+ spades (you should always bid 2s with 4, if opener is not going to reverse with minimums). Opener shouldn't bother looking for 4-4 spade fit if it's not there, with help in diamonds. 4513 min it should try 3c in case you have diamond problem and 4h in a 5-2 or 5c are possibilities. 3S on this particular sequence maybe SHOULD promise 4-6.
I think you erred in not bidding 3nt with extra values, that will be hard to show later, although it's possible/probable that the current GIB definition of 3nt is borked and needs to be tightened up. (I prefer 3nt to be 16-17 bal which is like exactly what you have).
You are just wrong when you claim 2M has to promise 6 and think I must be some card play wizard to get away with it. These are style questions, with pros and cons to each style. But responder's followups have to be consistent with the style, that's all, and GIB's rebids can be rather silly sometimes.
As responder, all you have to do is bid sensibly. Bid 2nt frequently. After opener rebids a third time, it's usually obvious what to do, like rebid 3nt with the unbid suit very solidly stopped, or pref to opener's major on 2 which they will often raise with 6, or make the obvious raise when opener rebids suit a third time. I don't see how you have so much problems, just don't think to yourself six card suit all the time just from the first rebid of the M, just think "2M shows nothing yet, keep on bidding normally and it will work itself out".