1m - 1M / 3m
Posted 2017-September-08, 03:09
Maybe better explained with the following example:
YOU: Jx - AQx - Ax - KQ98xx
PARTNER: AKQxx - K109x - xx - Ax
What is what after 1C - 1S / 3C?
Note: I'd leave 1NT opening outside the frame of this discussion.
Note2: do some of you just repeat C at the 2 level here?
1. 3H would be natural with 5H, 5+S. Not just invitational but strongly aiming at 4M (or more) or 3NT when opener has something in D.
2. 3S would be 6+ cards, also not just invitational.
3. 3D would be ASKING a diamond stop for 3NT, denying 6S or 5H.
4. 3NT would be to play.
5. 4C would be slammish in C.
6. 4D/4NT would be kickback/RKCB for those who play it.
So the auction I have in mind for that hand is:
1C - 1S
3C - 3D
3NT - 4C (slam invitational in C or NT)
4D (cue) - 4NT (RKCB, C)
5C (3) - 5D (Q?)
5NT - 7NT (12 lay down tricks + unused extra in opener's hand)
Far from realistic or optimal?
Posted 2017-September-08, 03:55
3♦ = relay, typically with 5♥ or 5♠
... - 3♥ = 0-2♥
... - 3♠ = 3♥, 0-2♠
... - 3NT = 0-2♥, 0-2♠
3♥ = 6+ spades
3♠ = slam try in ♣
3NT = to play
4♣ = serious SI, initiates cue auction
4♦ = RKCB for ♣
But I doubt I would bother as there are better and more modular solutions available earlier in the auction.
Posted 2017-September-08, 04:00
Posted 2017-September-08, 04:48
The_Badger, on 2017-September-08, 04:00, said:
I see your point. I would anyway value knowing if opener has a serious D stop through the 3D asking bid. This may decide the final contract.
Posted 2017-September-08, 04:51
Zelandakh, on 2017-September-08, 03:55, said:
3♦ = relay, typically with 5♥ or 5♠
... - 3♥ = 0-2♥
... - 3♠ = 3♥, 0-2♠
... - 3NT = 0-2♥, 0-2♠
3♥ = 6+ spades
3♠ = slam try in ♣
3NT = to play
4♣ = serious SI, initiates cue auction
4♦ = RKCB for ♣
But I doubt I would bother as there are better and more modular solutions available earlier in the auction.
Responder cannot be short in spades and has so far shown only 4, so he needs a way of showing 55MM and 5+♠.
Regarding alternatives in the earlier auction, can you be more specific?

Posted 2017-September-08, 07:52
heart76, on 2017-September-08, 04:51, said:
I am guessing from this comment that you did not quite understand my previous post. Take another look at the 3♦ and 3♥ advances, which more than adequately cover these hand types.
heart76, on 2017-September-08, 04:51, said:

Sure, there are many possibilities here, with arguably the simplest being to use an artificial 2♦ rebid that also includes some of the hands that would normally rebid 3♣. More radical solutions start on the initial response (such as Transfer Walsh) or, more radical still and probably well out of scope for this thread, with the opening structure itself.
Posted 2017-September-08, 11:39
If your hand was ♠ Jxx ♥ AQ ♦ Ax ♣ KQ98xx or similar wouldn't you want to know about the 5-3 ♠ fit? How do you show that if 3 ♠ has to be 6+?
Posted 2017-September-08, 23:47
rmnka447, on 2017-September-08, 11:39, said:
If your hand was ♠ Jxx ♥ AQ ♦ Ax ♣ KQ98xx or similar wouldn't you want to know about the 5-3 ♠ fit? How do you show that if 3 ♠ has to be 6+?
That is surely a very important point to discuss with partner. IMHO with 5♠ responder would bid 3♦ and opener show the stop or the secondary ♠ support.
But I guess that a full relay structure as suggested by Zelandakh would solve the problem.
At least if the minor is ♣. In the case of ♦ there is not so much space left.
Posted 2017-September-09, 06:11
2♣ = ART 16+ shapely or NAT 10-15, 6+ ♣s. Then 2♦ = ART 8+, other rebids NAT 0-7.