Opening 1nt with a 5-card major Would you?
Posted 2005-April-08, 16:18
Posted 2005-April-08, 16:26
Usually I don't have a problem with 15 bad points, or 17 points, but with 16 points and a balanced hand, I usually have rebid issues, so I will open that 1nt.
(I obviously play 15-17 NT.)
Posted 2005-April-08, 16:41
Posted 2005-April-08, 17:33
Posted 2005-April-08, 19:29
Posted 2005-April-08, 23:16
For instance, the other day I opened 1♠ on: Axxxx, Ax, AKx, xxx; very 'sharp', no tenaces - try to get pard to declare if possible.
Posted 2005-April-09, 06:18
cheech, on Apr 8 2005, 10:18 PM, said:
Here is one of the leys why I don't like to open with 5 card majors, I find the 1NT opening a bad one.
opening 1NT gets rid of your major fit whenever responder has less than 5 cads on it and its 5-7, ,wich happens rather often. So I find the 1NT opening worse than 1x openings.
Posted 2005-April-09, 08:36
1NT is a great bid, I have great fun opening them, I was taught, well may be taught is not the right term, I listened to lots of players that insisted NT Denies a 4 card major, since being converted about 12- 18 months ago I have never looked back, try them and see for your self.
as for 1NT is a great bid it should be used wherever possible, I think it would be better used appropriately wherever possible, I am no expert though, as fluffy says he does not like them, he is an expert, I am good beginner / intermediate level, but I am sure that you willl find other experts that have a positive view on 5 card majors in 1NT openers.
If your reg pard wants to try them, go for it, then decide, I think you will be happy with the result, you wont get any worse than experimenting
Posted 2005-April-09, 08:38
Posted 2005-April-09, 08:46
If puppet stayman would fit in my 1NT system so I can find the 5-3 fit then I would open 1NT with 5 card M.
Posted 2005-April-09, 19:05
I take it we are playing 15-17.
Suppose that you have a 3-5-3-2 hand with a decent 16 count. You open 1H, partner responds 1S. Now what? Perhaps you play Flannery so this would not be a problem. OK, change the hand to 2-5-3-3.
If my 3 card minor is, say, AJx then maybe I don't mind bidding this after 1H- 1S, and if also my spade holding is weak then bidding 1H seems attractive. Let partner struggle with the NT. If my spade holding contains some non-ace honors and my three card minor(s) are marginal, then 1NT might be a better choice.
Zeke pretty much recommends (this is my understanding) that the hand have 16 HCPs and either have a 5 card heart suit or a crappy (your term but he would probably accept it) spade suit if the major opening is to yield to the NT opening. I see it a little broader, but roughly the same.
I won't be insulted if you decide Zeke knows more about this than I do.
As near as I can see, it is perfectly reasonable for you to decline to open 1NT with a five card major and for your partner to continue to do it his way. Partners are not allowed to have the meaning of a bid vary with which person makes it, but in any partnership views differ on the right bid. I am not a rules expert but this seems right to me. For example, I balance less frequently than my regular partner does. We simply disagree about this. I doubt it is illegal. I am more inclined to open 1NT on a 3-4-1-5 shape, when 1C-1S-2H seems wrong, than he is. Others may know more about the legalities of one partner maybe having, the other definitely not having, a five card major.
Posted 2005-April-09, 19:10
Posted 2005-April-09, 20:05
kenberg, on Apr 9 2005, 05:05 PM, said:
I take it we are playing 15-17.
Suppose that you have a 3-5-3-2 hand with a decent 16 count. You open 1H, partner responds 1S. Now what? Perhaps you play Flannery so this would not be a problem. OK, change the hand to 2-5-3-3.
If my 3 card minor is, say, AJx then maybe I don't mind bidding this after 1H- 1S, and if also my spade holding is weak then bidding 1H seems attractive. Let partner struggle with the NT. If my spade holding contains some non-ace honors and my three card minor(s) are marginal, then 1NT might be a better choice.
Zeke pretty much recommends (this is my understanding) that the hand have 16 HCPs and either have a 5 card heart suit or a crappy (your term but he would probably accept it) spade suit if the major opening is to yield to the NT opening. I see it a little broader, but roughly the same.
I won't be insulted if you decide Zeke knows more about this than I do.
As near as I can see, it is perfectly reasonable for you to decline to open 1NT with a five card major and for your partner to continue to do it his way. Partners are not allowed to have the meaning of a bid vary with which person makes it, but in any partnership views differ on the right bid. I am not a rules expert but this seems right to me. For example, I balance less frequently than my regular partner does. We simply disagree about this. I doubt it is illegal. I am more inclined to open 1NT on a 3-4-1-5 shape, when 1C-1S-2H seems wrong, than he is. Others may know more about the legalities of one partner maybe having, the other definitely not having, a five card major.
I read that same article in the bulletin. Jabbour was rather 'conclusive' that this was the best way to play and settles the 'argument' about opening a 5 card major with 1N.
Good to hear.

Somehow, I think this concept will still be discussed for the coming millineum.
Posted 2005-April-09, 23:55

Posted 2005-April-10, 01:47

Posted 2005-April-10, 02:19
GijsH, on Apr 10 2005, 05:47 PM, said:

With all due respects, I would hardly accept Zeke's view above either that of the Italians or of Meckwell who include all 5332 shapes in the appropriate NT range.
Posted 2005-April-10, 08:53
Posted 2005-April-10, 14:16
After finding my point count to be in my range (usually 15-17)
1) First I check to see that I don't have a singleton or void.
2) I next check to see that I don't have more than 2 doubletons.
3) Then I check to see that I don't have a 6 card major.
So far, so good. I open 1NT.
This comes from my belief that it is better to have a rule to handle situations then to try and GUESS what to do each time it comes up. If your rule isn't working and gives you bad results, you can ALWAYS change your rule.
#20 Guest_Jlall_*
Posted 2005-April-11, 00:20