Superacceptance of a minor suit transfer. Your opinions please.
Posted 2013-October-24, 01:12
- playing 3♥ and 3♠ as shortness, or as an ace (or many a Kx combination), OR simply one of the two.
Any good reasons for choosing one or the other ?
What if there was no superacceptance, but a simple acceptance ? Does that change reponder's second bid ?
Thanks for your help.
Posted 2013-October-24, 04:07
Posted 2013-October-24, 10:48
For example, shortness opposite KQTx would probably elicit a 3N, suggesting lots of wastage and a bad fit, in context. Shortness opposite xxx or Axx would, on the other hand, have a return cue and almost a drive to a minor suit slam.
These evaluations are equally valid vs a super accept and a non-superaccept, no matter what your criteria points are for those bids.
Posted 2013-October-24, 23:07
Any reason you prefer not to play them as ace showing ?
CSGibson, on 2013-October-24, 10:48, said:
For example, shortness opposite KQTx would probably elicit a 3N, suggesting lots of wastage and a bad fit, in context. Shortness opposite xxx or Axx would, on the other hand, have a return cue and almost a drive to a minor suit slam.
These evaluations are equally valid vs a super accept and a non-superaccept, no matter what your criteria points are for those bids.
Posted 2013-October-24, 23:09
But in our sequences the minor suit transfer denies a 4card major.
Zelandakh, on 2013-October-24, 04:07, said:
Posted 2013-October-25, 01:05
Lurpoa, on 2013-October-24, 23:07, said:
Any reason you prefer not to play them as ace showing ?
Yes, the reasons I gave already are all of them, though.
Posted 2013-October-25, 06:10
You are a firm believer that showing shortness is more important.
Why is that ?
I understand that Mr Lawrence believes that showong an ace is more important...
I trying to understand what is best.

CSGibson, on 2013-October-25, 01:05, said:
Posted 2013-October-25, 08:43
Posted 2013-October-25, 09:00
Another point is that after the minor transfer you basically have one bid to decide if you need to stop in 3nt or go on to 5m or 6m. An ace does not really help with the 3nt decision, whereas shortness is huge (since a weak holding opposite shortage and 3nt isout).
Aces matter in picking 5m vs 6m but you can show those at the 4-level.
a.k.a. Appeal Without Merit
Posted 2013-October-26, 05:08
awm, on 2013-October-25, 09:00, said:
Another point is that after the minor transfer you basically have one bid to decide if you need to stop in 3nt or go on to 5m or 6m. An ace does not really help with the 3nt decision, whereas shortness is huge (since a weak holding opposite shortage and 3nt isout).
Aces matter in picking 5m vs 6m but you can show those at the 4-level.
Thank you my friend.
That is clear.
Be the ♥ with You !
Posted 2013-October-26, 07:23
Showing an Ace, King, values, length or whatever else, doesn't give us any useful information below 3NT to make a good decision between playing NT or a minor suit contract.
Posted 2013-October-27, 02:55
Psyche (pron. sahy-kee): The human soul, spirit or mind (derived, personification thereof, beloved of Eros, Greek myth).
Masterminding (pron. m

"Gentlemen, when the barrage lifts." 9th battalion, King's own Yorkshire light infantry,
2000 years earlier: "morituri te salutant"
"I will be with you, whatever". Blair to Bush, precursor to invasion of Iraq
Posted 2013-October-27, 07:38
1eyedjack, on 2013-October-27, 02:55, said:
That crossed my mind too until I re-read the opening sentence:
" What is best after the [ EDIT: Opener's ] superacceptance of a minor suit transfer on a 1NT opening " ...
"imo by far in bridge the least understood concept is how to bid over a jump-shift
( 1M-1NT!-3m-?? )." ....Justin Lall
" Did someone mention relays? " .... Zelandakh
K-Rex to Mikeh : " Sometimes you drive me nuts " .