billw55, on 2013-July-01, 15:59, said:
Obviously not the same. Children cannot consent. Comparing homosexuals to pedophiles is a standard slur, resorted to by bigots with nothing better to say.
You meant children are NOT ALLOWED TO CONSENT, which is a legal construct.
There is no slur, but in your eyes.
I will expand a bit more.
Morals are a community construct. Without a community to decide them, no man can be moral or immoral without resorting to a fiat construct such as religion. But what is religion, but a community agreement.
One can of course construct a moral code. Just like one could construct the postulates of geometry. Then one can - based upon that initial construct derive conclusions.
1) The conclusions can be no stronger than the quality of the postulates. Note - an age old problem in geometry hindered the progress of physics until Einstein discovered General Relativity.
2) You also may run into
Gödel - which I won't bother to discuss further - but it shook the mathematics world.
3) Any moral code must be inseparable from its community.
4) Debating moral correctness, being a community construct, can't be won by logical arguments - but only by some sort of referendum, in which some majority will always decide and which will have disagreement by some minority.
5) This is far from evident to most, who will continue to construct arguments based most commonly upon their biases, but who nonetheless will couch the argument as a logical one.