Winstonm, on 2013-July-01, 07:27, said:
Renewing marriage contracts on a 5-year basis is a really bad idea when one stops to ponder on what happens to children/assets if the contract is not renewed, and then add on top of that the property divisions of second/third/fourth marriages. It is not practical to mandate prenuptial agreements.
There are of course complications, but I don't see why they would be any more so than exist already when marriages are dissolved. Children and property must be apportioned by courts no matter how a marriage ends. But term limits (?) would greatly simplify the many cases where people just want to go their separate ways. Or if you prefer, perhaps the legal expiration could cease once children are introduced. I think it would be a net simplification. And what a boon for the wedding industry - renups every five years! Imagine the job growth
Cyberyeti, on 2013-July-01, 07:35, said:
I think there's more to it than this. In the UK and the US there are a number of naturally conservative older people who struggle to believe that being gay is "normal" and see it as a lifestyle choice. Some but not all of these people are religious. Add to this younger religious people and you have a substantial body of people who believe gay marriage is unnatural, and just haven't challenged the belief that many of them have had more or less since birth (reinforced at school) that marriage is between a man and a woman.
I see the intelligent design argument as different. There is IMO so much hard scientific proof that it's simply wrong, that unless your faculties are swayed by religion, it's well nigh impossible to believe in it. The gay marriage debate is different, it is possible to be non religious and still believe gay marriage is wrong, I think it's terrifically unlikely that you can scientifically prove to an open minded anti gay marriage person that gay marriage should be permitted, I don't believe there are any open minded intelligent design advocates.
Intelligent design theory need not conflict with scientific evidence. Only the crudest ID clings to the young earth dogma. It is quite simple to say "god made it that way" in explanation of any observation whatsoever.
And yes, some (mostly older) people object to gay marriage without (explicit) religious basis. For them, it is IMO a simple personal bias - I don't, so you shouldn't. One could easily say that playing bridge is also unnatural, but that doesn't mean that the more numerous poker players can ban bridge.
Life is long and beautiful, if bad things happen, good things will follow.