helene_t, on 2012-April-19, 08:26, said:
I recall this has been discussed here before but I can't find it. However, this external link works:
It promises you that you can become a bidding expert in three days. They probably sell snake oil and anti-aging creams, too. I suggest you don't waste time on it.
I'm tired about the explanations about the snake oil and anti0adging cream.
Mama Mia ?!
Who said you have to buy a license? The license is ONLY for experienced Force Point Teams which wants to try the system on INTERNATIONAL TOURNAMENTS !!!
And YES, I'm paying the players who entered Fp Team in BBO, starting with 6 month delay, if the showed results. I already have spent over $25,000 for such purposes.
Fp stands for Force Point, not for Forcing Pass, which is forbidden.
The 2016' Fp Evaluation Counting is already published here, how it is will be in the book, along with the complete system, check it before you buy the book with the whole system. No one is aware of that system, it is completely new: the Counting, the thinking, SCOR -SCOR Convention, The Asking for the exact number of the partner's contract tricks and the CPA (Control Points Asking) using new discovers about bridge game, which will allow you to discover simultaneously by number and by kind all of partner's TOP Honors (A + K + Q) with 1 question 1 answer only. The calculations are for 7 grader.
The book will cost $16 ($12 on Holidays and all December), the Sysnotes cost $40 ($32 on Holidays and all December), the License for using Fp on International Tournament cost $10. You can bay all of them separate.
After the 3rd re-submission of the book, it will be in the market between 15 and 30 October 2016.
Amazon, barnes & Nobel & the publishing company site: http;//Xlibris.com (then go to the bookstore)
You can find inside over 120 games, 2/3 of them with explicit explanations how to use Fp, for 1/3 of them you will see the bids only, and if you have read the book, you probably will explain then. If not, and you have difficulties, email the # of the game to pboev777@gmail.com, and you will receive the full explanations. Between 300-350 pages, 50 of the the System, the rest with games with full explanations.
And I will tell to you and the others only one thing: The Precision ,with all of its modernization is a laughing system compared to Force Point, 40 years ago, YES, it was the best, but now here is Fp with his 7 grader calculations, which unfortunately will kill all of the paid Bidding lessens around the world, but that's the life, it always is like that, sorry Experts.
Snake oil and anti-aging cream for your a.., sorry, for you. You probably are from Bulgarian origin, right, I know them very well, because I have leaved there til 45, that is their usual thinking and speaking. That's what they learned after the communists killed all of the Bulgarian Intellectuals 1944-1947. You know nothing, including anything about Force Point! Let's comment again after May 2017, when the world will know everything about Fp, ok ?
It is absolutely new. Give it some time snake.