2NT ask in response to a weak 2
Posted 2012-March-05, 08:57
If it makes a difference I play a weak NT and a weak 2 range of 5-9.
Posted 2012-March-05, 09:32
Over the "normal" weak 2 I have agreed to play that 2NT asks for a feature if opener is not minimum.
Over the nonvulnerable weak 2 I have agreed to play bids that show range and length of the suit. I believe that is important opposite an undisciplined weak 2 bid.
Posted 2012-March-05, 09:49
Could you give an idea also as to why you use the different options for the different ranges?
Many thanks
Posted 2012-March-05, 10:00
3♣ - generic bad hand
3♦ - medium strength with shortness somewhere then 3♥ asks for it. (3♠ asks if it was a weak 2♥)
3♥ - medium strength no shortness
3♠ - max with shortness then 3nt asks
3nt - ??? Suggestions?
So far the shortness (or not) has steered us well into or out of some light 3nt contracts. I'm still waiting for the shortness thing to get us to a slam as we usually just place the contract with the next bid.
What is baby oil made of?
Posted 2012-March-05, 10:32
The responses that I have agreed to use to a nonvulnerable undisciplined weak two bid (range 3-9 HCP) are:
3♣ - 5 cards, minimum range (3-6 HCP).
3♦ - 6+ cards, minimum range.
3♥ - 5 cards, maximum range (7-9 HCP).
3♠ - 6+ cards, maximum range.
3♣ - 5 cards, minimum range.
3♦ - 5 cards, maximum range.
3♥ - 6+ cards, minimum range.
3♠ - 6+ cards, maximum range.
A weak 2 bid on a 7 card suit is unusual, but is permitted.
Posted 2012-March-05, 11:12
as i play a disciplined 5-9 nv 6-10 v and never have a 5 card suit, ogust is pretty useless for me. I play feature over 2D aimed at 3NT.
over 2M i play shortages - best way to get to tight HCP games and slams imo.
Posted 2012-March-05, 13:47
TMorris, on 2012-March-05, 09:49, said:
Could you give an idea also as to why you use the different options for the different ranges?
The colors determine the discipline of the weak-two itself. After a 1st or 2nd seat nv weak two, we need something sort out just how much the bid sucks, if partner wants to know. The degrees are:
---reasonable, but minimum...some scattered stuff
---traditional suit strength at any colors
---Really nice one...close to a 1-bid.
Or whatever terminology you want to use.
At unfavorable, the 2-bid itself should be disciplined as to suit quality, so we are content with feature.
Posted 2012-March-05, 15:11
Posted 2012-March-05, 15:40
Statto, on 2012-March-05, 15:11, said:
How bout 6 really good(not solid)
like AKJ
Posted 2012-March-05, 16:05
Maybe KQJ would be a fine surprise holding to show if one's norm is having honors everywhere but in the suit bid.
Posted 2012-March-05, 16:39
First step: minimum with a shortage anywhere
Second step: maximum with a shortage anywhere
Third step: minimum no shortage
Fourth step: maximum no shortage
Or you can just show the shortness regardless of strength and partner may then bid three of the major which you pass with minimum and bid on with maximum. But obviously this won't work if you 'psyche' 2NT often.
You may want to use 2♠ not 2NT as the asking bid after a 2♥ opening.
If the weak two may be a five card suit, i would definitely recommend the first step as any hand with a five card suit. This leaves space to investigate strain if needed. Start showing shortage/range with the second step.
Posted 2012-March-05, 17:24
- 3♣ = club feature, or maximum with heart feature
- 3♦ = diamond feature
- 3♥ = minimum with heart feature
- 3♠ = minimum without a feature
- 3NT = maximum without a feature
After 2♠-2NT;3♣:
- 3♦ = Asking, definitely wants to play game opposite a maximum with club feature. Opener bids in steps: 3♥ = hearts, 3♠ = min clubs, 3NT = max clubs
- 3♥ = Asking, only interested opposite heart feature. Opener bids 3♠ with a club feature and 3NT with a heart feature.
After 2♠-2NT;3♦:
- 3♥ = range ask.
After a 2♥ opening, you have to play 2♠ as the enquiry in order to fit everything in.
Posted 2012-March-05, 18:24
aguahombre, on 2012-March-05, 16:05, said:
I don't see how this helps. It comes up rare enough as it is. The main point is to find 3NT when responder has 3 tricks in hand and stops in every suit. If responder has a smallish doubleton, by the time they've discovered the suit breaks 4-1 onside it's too late anyway.

Posted 2012-March-05, 18:31
3♣ asks for side shortness.
Other new suits are forcing.
Jumps in new suits are Control Asking Bids (CABs) in the suit bid.
As for tv, screw it. You aren't missing anything. -- Ken Berg
Our ultimate goal on defense is to know by trick two or three everyone's hand at the table. -- Mike777
I have come to realise it is futile to expect or hope a regular club game will be run in accordance with the laws. -- Jillybean
Posted 2012-March-05, 18:38
ArtK78, on 2012-March-05, 09:32, said:
Over the "normal" weak 2 I have agreed to play that 2NT asks for a feature if opener is not minimum.
Over the nonvulnerable weak 2 I have agreed to play bids that show range and length of the suit. I believe that is important opposite an undisciplined weak 2 bid.
That seems a reasonable approach, but personally I can't imagine normally opening a weak 2 with a 5-card suit in 1st/2nd seat. So I would suggest Ogust nonvul (you can include all 5 card suits in the definition of "poor suit", as well as those without 2 of the top 3 honours, 3 of the top 5, or whatever criteria you want to choose) and feature-ask vul.
Posted 2012-March-05, 20:04
After 2S - 2NT;
3C: 8 losers, good hand 3D asking relay, 3H bad, 3S good
3D: 8 losers bad hand
3H: 7 or less losers
3S: 9+ losers.
You can obviously swap H/S if you want to play the same structure over 2H openers as well. It's not perfect but helps if you regularly open off shape weak 2s that may have something unusal. I've stopped playing it (moved to 2C = weak 2D or strong, 2D = multi, 2H = ekrens and 2S = 4 or 5 spades + a minor).
Posted 2012-March-05, 20:26
But, in response specifically to a 2♠ opening, I have thought that:
1. Useful space principle and experience tells me that 3♠ by Opener should be the weak hand. Get there fast.
2. 3♣ should be some sort of hand where 3♦ can ask for more info. Two possibilities are shortness (3♥ for club, 3♠ for diamond, 3NT for heart, for example) or for a feature. Probably feature.
3. 3♦ should probably be some sort of re-invite hand, perhaps good suit. 3♥ then asks for "good hand or not?" A 3NT reply to this could be solid-suit. (E.g., 2♠-P-2NT-P-; 3♦-P-3♥-P-; 3NT as solid suit. Might also be semi-solid (AKJ?).
4. 3♥ then becomes available for the other ask-able, probably shortness, with 4♣ asking perhaps.
5. A direct 3NT, then, is either a solid suit or, if solid suits are handled through 3♦, then perhaps 3NT could show the maxi 5-piece?
-P.J. Painter.
Posted 2012-March-05, 23:39
We defined "good vs bad suit" as 2 vs 1 of the top 3, and "good vs bad hand" as outside stopper or no outside stopper.
3C = 1 of the top 3, outside stopper. 3D by responder asks where: 3H=H, 3S=D,3NT=C.
3D = 2 of the top 3, outside stopper. Not room for a full ask, but room to use 3H as an "is it here?" type of call - or whatever type of reask you find most useful.
3H = 2 of the top 3, no outside stopper
3S = 1 of the top 3, no outside stopper
Over 2H, the 3H and 3S bids are reversed of course.
Somewhat unfortunately, the whole stopper-ask business really would be more useful over 2D, and then 2N is just too high. But I've never tried using 2H artificial over 2D. Maybe I should.
Posted 2012-March-06, 03:07
gnasher, on 2012-March-05, 17:24, said:
- 3♣ = club feature, or maximum with heart feature
- 3♦ = diamond feature
- 3♥ = minimum with heart feature
- 3♠ = minimum without a feature
- 3NT = maximum without a feature
Or you can just make 3♣ any minimum with a feature and 3♦ no feature. ie
2♠ - 2NT (feature)
3♣ = min with feature (then 3♦ asks with rebids 3♥=♥/3♠=♦/3NT=♣)
3♦ = no feature (then 3♥ asks, 3♠ min, 3NT max)
3♥ = max with heart feature
3♠ = max with diamond feature
3NT = max with club feature
In fact any response structure works that includes 3 hand types in 3♣ and 2 in 3♦ so long as you are careful with which hands have to be shown with 3NT. It is just a matter of deciding which hand types you might want to hide after a 3m response. For this purpose I think the negative responses (minimum or no feature) are best suited). Obviously you could substitute "shortage" for "feature" here if desired although in that case the immediate 3NT response really needs to be the "max without shortage" hand. Therefore
2♠ - 2NT (shortage)
3♣ = min without diamond shortage (then 3♦ asks with rebids 3♥=♥/3♠=♣/3NT=none)
3♦ = diamond shortage (then 3♥ asks, 3♠ min, 3NT max)
3♥ = max with heart shortage
3♠ = max with club shortage
3NT = max with no shortage
Obviously you could use this second structure for feature too by simply replacing the word shortage by the word feature throughout. In that case you show the diamond feature when sometimes you did not need to but in return are not committed to game opposite a club feature.