MickyB, on 2012-February-14, 19:20, said:
It might be more appropriate for Wank's alter-ego to take his place.
If you have a pd who is posting in forums thats more than enough for me. I prefer pairs who knows each other. My request to ask forum members not to play with their reg pds was intended to say "if they are total strangers" to us.
You go head and talk to them and tell us which one you are in with.
Gzsez and I make a great sub pair, incase one of u guys can not make it in last second.
Anyway, Wank and Gonzalo have been practicing (i hope

I will try to log in again today to hear from you MickyB. Good luck ! I will do my best to come and watch u guys, and i am sure some others will be there to cheer for ya guys.

Whatever u guys do, just dont let the score affect your discipline or normal game. Of course we all wanna win, but thats definetely not the priority at practice games.
Good Luck !!