bluecalm, on 2012-February-06, 18:52, said:
I don't like this attitude. Imo people use it all the time to justify what they are used to instead of following people who are the best.
Fine... dislike all you want. I was very careful in how I phrased this statement and I don't quite see what you think it's "justifying" - I'm pretty sure I don't play only what I'm used to. I'm just saying that if two people who each have a full-time non-bridge job decide to play Fantunes bidding system, they should not expect to do as well with it as Fantoni-Nunes.
I can start developing both playing system copied from theirs instead of some brand of standardish one with hundred of holes and strange stuff like strong reverses or jumps with 3-4card suits.
I spent significant time trying to understand systems of Meckwell, Greco-Hampson and top Italian pairs. My opinion for now is that not only are those systems more powerful but much more logical and easier to play than local "standards" (like standard in US or polish club in Poland). I would much prefer copying them than stuff popular among masses but inferior and less logical.
I spent significant time trying to understand systems of Meckwell, Greco-Hampson and top Italian pairs. My opinion for now is that not only are those systems more powerful but much more logical and easier to play than local "standards" (like standard in US or polish club in Poland). I would much prefer copying them than stuff popular among masses but inferior and less logical.
If you think what people are suggesting on these forums has "hundreds of holes", I'm sure we would like to hear details. If you are just trying to make a strawman argument, suit yourself.
Anyway, are you suggesting they play inferior stuff, knowing it's inferior because competition in Italy play that ? I mean srsly ?
I am certainly suggesting that that would be a perfectly valid strategy. There are parts of the system where it matters more, and others where it matters less - continuations after a 2/1 which you mentioned certainly falling in the latter category.
Obviously F-N have a different philosophy on this and it works for them. But then they are only Italy's 4th best pair by Mrs. Lavazza's reckoning.

What about more natural explanation: Meckwell's, Lauria's and Bocchi's of this world know better and what they play is probably both best and most practical.
As I was trying to suggest in my opening statement last post, what is most practical for them is not necessarily what is most practical for me.
I do think that Rodwell knows what is best, but he's not allowed to play it thanks to the effort Meckstroth puts in on the C&C Committee. Maybe it's because Balicki and Zmudzinski played it better than they could?

Now, LV bid suit's up the line and you will find T-Walsh in "Norberto" handbook
And what do you think, is Norberto suffering greatly from all the diamond fits he's missing?