Annoying hand from the finals on Saturday evening.
You hold
♠ xx
♥ Txx
♦ AKQJxx
♣ Kx
And hear RHO open 1N
For better or worse, I decide to pass (In the past, I've had great luck passing these hands rather than letting the 1N bidder escape into a better contract)
The auction continued
(1N) - P - (2H) - X
(2♠) - 3♦ - (3♠) - P
(P) - ???
At this point in time, I decided to be an idiot and bid 4♥ and ended up -3.
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11 IMPS to the "bad" guys. Game, set, and match
Posted 2011-January-10, 15:36
I reckon 3 off sounds somewhat unlucky as well. I guess you need agreements as to what an X of 2H actually shows, whether just purely for the lead or a hand that would overcall 2H given the chance.
Posted 2011-January-10, 20:42
Definitely agree with passing 1N
blogging at
Posted 2011-January-11, 03:20
Congrats on getting to Saturday's finals.
I also think pass of 1NT is right. I prefer to play double of 2H really as lead directing, unless the opponents play a weak notrump. I would definitely double on KQJx, so I would be hesitant to raise to the 4-level.
I also think pass of 1NT is right. I prefer to play double of 2H really as lead directing, unless the opponents play a weak notrump. I would definitely double on KQJx, so I would be hesitant to raise to the 4-level.
Please note: I am interested in boring, bog standard, 2/1.
- hrothgar
- hrothgar
Posted 2011-January-11, 03:54
Pass is great. I've once had like 7 diamonds to the AKQ and heard opps bid to... 3NT 
Over 3♠ it's either pass or 4♦. Bidding 4♥ is a bit random. After all, pard might have like 4 cards only (wouldn't you dbl on, say, KQJ9?).

Over 3♠ it's either pass or 4♦. Bidding 4♥ is a bit random. After all, pard might have like 4 cards only (wouldn't you dbl on, say, KQJ9?).
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