First hand liberated from ZAR's slam download page. Here is how ZAR described the count.
BEST contract, actually played on double-dummy, is 7SP, Controls = 10, ControlPoints = 32
N - Zar Points (a+

Controls N = 3, HCP N = 7------------------------> N Zar Points = 23
S - Zar Points (a+

Controls S = 7, HCP S = 16------------------------> S Zar Points = 39
=============================================> NS Zar Points = 62
============================================> Zar Points + Fit= 66
Ok initial count, before you start bidding, seems almost right to me (hehehe). I agree the legth count, I agree the hcp count, I agree the control count, so start before bidding with North with 23, South 39. However, south seems to have a concentration of hcp in three suits, and has more than 15 ZAR points, isn't this worht an extra one point? I woul dhave thought so, raising South's count to 40, for NS ZAR points of 63 (one more than ZAR).
Next South opens the bidding, let's say 1♣, forcing, and north bid 1♠ (5+ suit). South's hand now gains 2 points for the ♠ honors, yes? Those would be "fit points". South also gains 4 more points for a singleton with two "extra trumps" (a superfit). Seems to me that is 6 additional points. So I calculate the ZAR fit poinst as 70, not 66. Am I wrong?
What if South opens 1♠, how does that effect the evaluation. South still has the +1 for concentration of strengh. Now north gets +1 pt for his [so]K, and he has two extra trumps and a singleton, so he gets +4 more fit. So this now totals, 69 ZAR points, and not 70,
Now, how come I calculate 69 or 70 Zar fit points and Zar gets only 66?
I have a bunch more examples, but I thought I would start with this one to see how come my numbers differ from Zar's. Any thoughts?