DD prob.
Posted 2003-December-12, 11:58
KQJ82 954
J4 T763
83 Q5
2S by West - play or defend?
Posted 2003-December-12, 12:05
Posted 2003-December-12, 12:16
Posted 2003-December-12, 13:28
Posted 2003-December-12, 14:00
Taking the club tricks is irrelavent. The key is to play the third diamond, reducing west to 4 trumps. As for south's holding up the trump Ace, it is ALMOST ALWAYS RIGHT to duck the first two trump leads when holds Axxx!!
Posted 2003-December-13, 08:12
what exit? low club to partner, west trumping.. heart to board, spade to king, spade queen, heart to board (if south ducks the SA).. now D10 tossing a heart or over ruffing
i might have lost something in all that, but in practice it might not be all that easy seeing the necessity to take 2 diamonds and 2 clubs first
lenze thinks it isn't necessary, and maybe it isn't.. but it seems to be the only way to set it
Posted 2003-December-29, 10:57
what exit? low club to partner, west trumping.. heart to board, spade to king, spade queen, heart to board (if south ducks the SA).. now D10 tossing a heart or over ruffing
i might have lost something in all that, but in practice it might not be all that easy seeing the necessity to take 2 diamonds and 2 clubs first
lenze thinks it isn't necessary, and maybe it isn't.. but it seems to be the only way to set it
If opps overtake D king with the ace I wanna declare. Since I will have no problem whatsoever after that. ;D
Mike ;D
so much the better. If there is restlessness, I am pleased. Then let there
be ideas, and hard thought, and hard work.”
Posted 2003-December-31, 08:26
Posted 2003-December-31, 10:02
Cold for 3 NT ? Maybe y see some very starnge squeeze I haven't heard of but otherwise I only see 8 tricks for declarer and that is assuming that they play the clubs for no losers. :-X
Mike ;D
so much the better. If there is restlessness, I am pleased. Then let there
be ideas, and hard thought, and hard work.”
Posted 2003-December-31, 11:30
I suggest down 2!!
I do not understand the problem with defending this hand. North is VERY likely to lead the Diamond King. South, looking at Txxx on dummy, can not afford to over take. North will lead a second diamond. With no options left, South will switch. Neither a trump nor heart looks attractive, so a club is the logical choice. Might as well lead the King. When if holds, South will continue to North’s Ace. North will now conclude that if South has the Heart Ace, it can not go away, so he will focus on promoting trump tricks. The lead of the third diamond is automatic. West will ruff, and after South holds up the trump Ace twice, West will be down two. YES, I know that West can get out for down 1 by discarding on the diamond Queen, but NO competent declarer would make that play, as it gives up the chance to make the contract when trumps break 3-2.
BTW: As South, I can make 3NT IF I guess the Club suit. I'm not a very good guesser, however.
Posted 2003-December-31, 12:04
Cold for 3 NT ? Maybe y see some very starnge squeeze I haven't heard of but otherwise I only see 8 tricks for declarer and that is assuming that they play the clubs for no losers. :-X
Mike ;D
I see 5 club tricks, 3 diamonds and the ace of spades. Of course I'm lucky that hearts are 4-4 and clubs 2-2, but 5C is also cold and that only relies on bringing in trumps and not on a 4-4 heart split.
Posted 2003-December-31, 12:10
YES, I know that West can get out for down 1 by discarding on the diamond Queen, but NO competent declarer would make that play, as it gives up the chance to make the contract when trumps break 3-2.
As declarer, having led the king of spades and seen the ten fall, I will already be suspicious of a 4-1 break. When I lead a low spade to the 9 it will be confirmed. South has to duck this or I make the contract, and now I know the full position and can lead the diamond from dummy (after cashing two hearts) to ensure just a 1-trick set.