Leads is a small heart, won by declarer with the ace over West's king.
Declarer plays ♣A and another club to dummy, on the second round West discards ♦5
Declarer now tries a low spade to the ♠J, East wins ♠Q
Now West asks if 2 rounds of clubs have been played, and someone (don't remember who) says yes, 2 rounds were played.
West turns out her last 2 cards and announces a revoke, showing ♣5 on the table. At this point Director is finally summoned.
Director instrucs West to put ♣5 on her hand (not on the third trick as it was being tried), and the play to continue. Director stays on the table to see the outcome.
East switches to ♥J, declarer wins ♥Q and desperate for a 9th trick tries a low spade, East wins ♠Ace, cashes his hearts and then comes back a diamond where West collects smore more tricks, when the smoke is cleared declarer is 3 down.
Director then transfers one trick to declarer's side resulting in 2 down, 7% for NS.
2 questions:
-Is ♣5 a penalty card?
-Should director had instructed declarer than 1 trick would transfer at the end of the deal to his side?