1♣ = Precision
3♣ = Diamonds or Majors
Double = 5-7. With 6+ West would bid 3SHD with decent 5+ suit
pass by N = Clubs
East calls me after opening lead of ♣3. North says to South. Pd. This does not promise ♣. (perhaps not exact wording, but close to it - I had not appeared at the table at that time)
When I was present, There was no argument that South had explained that North's Pass meant ♣.
East's argument is that If he had known that North did not promise clubs, he would have bid PASS to listen to what kind of hand South had.
I ruled...
I believe that East seriously considered to make a Pass bid. That is sure a LA.
South has automatic Pass bid on 3♣, holding Qxxx in pd's suit. Result. 3♣ doubled 7 tricks. 300 EW
N/S appealed. Passing on East's hand is impossible bid.
Appeals committie's ruling...
We feel that 3♣ is impossible result. South gave logical but wrong explaination. East will bid 3♥ if South gives right explaination and east will wait and hear South bid 3♦. There after, the bidding sequence will probably be pass - pass, and East will be in the same situation as before. and they ended in the best contract, and have no Game contract, and therefore they were not damaged.
Table result re-installed. 4H -2
Footnote by me. ( it did not appear at the appeal )
Pree emtive bidding agains strong club systems, are ment to be PREE EMTIVE. Nothing wrong with that. But when there is additional misinformation, then the pree emtive side has no simpathy in my opinion.
This post has been edited by vigfus: 2012-March-17, 03:02